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11935 McDonald Street
Culver City, CA, 90230
United States

(310) 591-9226

Private, personalized, and proven voice and/or piano lessons with Shannon Moses on the Los Angeles Westside.


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Musikgarten: Family Music For Toddlers

(16 Months-3.5 years)

Watch your child blossom through the wonder of music!

These weekly classes are action-filled for toddlers and their parents or caregivers. Together you’ll sing, chant, move, dance, listen, and play simple instruments, all activities that bridge the natural connection between music and movement. 


Connect with your toddler and other parents/caregivers

Build a special bond with your little one, experience lots of movement with your active toddler, watch while musical skills take root in fun new ways, and connect with other parents/caregivers!  Each program is full of music, movement, imagination, connection, and class time fun. Each lesson features movement activities for coordination, body awareness and control, exploration of space, and instruments such as rhythm sticks, jingles, drums, and resonator bars. 

Additionally, you’ll receive wonderful music downloads (or a CD), a parent activity book, and an instrument or scarf to use at home for more fun time together.  



We know that all children are musical but that potential will decrease if it isn’t nurtured when they are young. We also know that music awakens and stimulates neural pathways in the brain that are associated with higher forms of intelligence, such as abstract thinking, empathy, mathematics, and science.

Music and movement can have a dramatic effect on babies, toddlers, and older children as well. Some studies indicate that early music instruction positively impacts language and literacy development; others point to improved pattern recognition skills which are the basis for mathematical learning; still others reveal the social and emotional benefits of being involved in music. Given our long-standing reputation as the leader in the field of affordable early music education, Musikgarten can give your child a learning advantage for life.



Teacher:  Shannon is a licensed and certified Musikgarten teacher who is passionate towards early childhood music education and development.  More about Shannon...

Starting June 1, our Toddler group classes will meet
Mondays 10:00-10:50am
Fridays 9:00-9:50am
Saturdays 3:30-4:20pm
on the Los Angeles Westside.

Registration Info:
Price: $80/month for enrollment in a once-a-week class on Mondays or Fridays
One-Time Materials Fee:  $34.00
Class Duration: 50 minutes/week

Musikgarten offers the most pedagogically sound program available. Our curricula are uniquely effective because we have designed learning sequences that repeat and build patterns to continually reinforce and stimulate our students.

Listen to music samples from this class:
